
Welcome to my new-look, newly-moved website!

If you've stumbled here by accident then welcome! I'm Andy Fanton, a freelance writer and cartoonist who has been published in The Beano, Dandy, Viz, and Private Eye, to name but four things. You can find out more about me HERE.

On this site you'll find a healthy dollop of comics, a smattering of puzzles and a sprinkling of videos to help while away some time - and hopefully to keep you chuckling for a while! While laughter isn't ALWAYS the best medicine, it can alleviate the symptoms of boredom. At least, that's what Doctor Doctor told me.

Along with that, I'll be keeping a blog to stay in touch with you all - do chime in on the comments, and let's all have a nice chinwag or something, eh? I'll bring some crisps.

In the meantime, stay safe, keep well, and I'll see you in the funny pages!

- Fanton.


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